Photographing toddlers isn’t easy. And because toddlers are so unpredictable, getting a simple photo can be harder than climbing mount Kilimanjaro.
Don’t despair. I have three easy tips to help you get the best photos of your toddler.
Tip 1: Let them play
Asking a toddler to sit still for a photoshoot is like sending said toddler to the naughty corner. It is punishment and it will end in tears.
Most toddlers will not sit still for a photo. You may get the odd one or two that will sit for a minute but toddlers are generally wriggly by nature. So this tip is probably the most important.
If you want to avoid temper tantrums and heart-stopping wails, the best thing you can do is just let them play. Let them go wild creating and exploring.
Grab your camera or smartphone and just let them be children. Follow them around as they play. Happy toddler + sane mummy = good photos.
Tip 2: Be patient
Photographing your toddler can be fun and also challenging. Your toddler will not want to pose for the camera. Your efforts to bribe and cajole your toddler may not work so you need a backup plan.
You need patience – lots and lots of patience – to tackle your toddler’s photoshoot. Great photos don’t just happen. A lot of hard work and patience goes into creating the perfect masterpiece.
Photographing toddlers can be an enjoyable experience. The trick is knowing how to manage the situation so that it doesn’t get out of hand and end in tears (for both your toddler and you).
The purpose of the mission is simple; get a few photos of your toddler. Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize.
Tip 3: Get down to the same level
Your toddler is only a wee little one and it may not be so easy getting the perfect shot if you’re tall and towering so high above. It’s all about perspectives. Get down to their level and interact with them so you can get better images shot from different angles and perspectives.
Kneel down, bend down, lie down – do whatever it takes to meet your toddler on the ground. This really helps you to capture photos at their height.
I hope these tips help you as you photograph your toddler. I would love to see what images you capture. Post them on Instagram and tag @kofobaptist.